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Product highlights

Product Services:

Product Value:

Industry Solutions and Customer Benefits

Focus on industry

Typical overall solution

(1) Opcenter Execution Semiconductor (Camstar Semiconductor Suite semiconductor industry suite) is designed for Frontend and backend semiconductor manufacturing operations, which can provide out of the box advanced industry functions, high-level configurability, and full interoperability with other business systems. It also provides comprehensive real-time information from test results and production to statistical quality control, which can help you improve quality and production efficiency. Support wafer manufacturing, integrated circuits, and discrete assembly and testing operations without modification. It can handle a large number of transactions with its powerful functions, and can meet the specific needs of various factories through flexibility. It can be easily integrated with enterprise business systems and workshops, and can be quickly deployed without the need for extensive customization, allowing for scalability to meet future needs.

(2) Opcenter Execution Electronics (Camstar Electronics Suite) is a complete digital manufacturing solution for the electronics industry. It involves PCB, mechanical assembly, and box production. This solution is based on direct connection to machines and production lines, including manufacturing execution, quality management, planning and scheduling, material management, and manufacturing intelligence. Integrates the Siemens Digital Industries Software product portfolio and extends digital threading from the entire design to the manufacturing process. Electronic manufacturers can quickly change and reconfigure manufacturing and quality processes to meet growing customer demand and quality, achieve faster NPI and time to market, while improving their competitiveness in rapidly changing, consumer driven markets.

(3) Opcenter Execution Medical Device and Diagnostics (Camstar Medical Device Suite medical device industry suite) is a leading manufacturing execution solution in the medical device and diagnostic industry, which helps prevent process errors and supports Paperless office manufacturing, electronic device history record (eDHR) and electronic batch record (eBR). Emerging, medium-sized, and global enterprises all face the challenge of reducing costs while ensuring compliance, while also consistently producing high-quality products. We have mature experience in helping medical and diagnostic equipment companies successfully address these challenges. Including exemplary practices in the field of medical equipment manufacturing can be implemented faster in enterprises. It can help you accelerate innovation, reduce costs, and obtain high-quality products while ensuring excellent manufacturing process compliance.

SiE Helps Industry 4.0, Creating Intelligent Factory Solutions

SiE provides a digital solution for Siemens' full value flow closed-loop system

SiE Siemens' Intelligent Manufacturing Customers

SiE Siemens MES customer

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